Thursday, 7 July 2016

My reflection on digital story

Hey folks! What’ up? Hope you are having a nice day with your loved ones. Spend your life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress. A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have. We are not given a good or bad life. We are just given a life. It’s up to us to make it good or bad. I have seen better days but I have also seen worse. I do not have everything that I want, but I do have all I need. My life may not be perfect but I’m blessed. Sometimes life is very complicated. Do not try to search answers. Because when you search for answers life changes the questions. Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient and the best things come to those who do not give up. So for this week blog, I have something fascinating which related to technology.

          I’m very sure that not many of us know what digital story is. What is digital story you may ask? Basically, a digital story is a media artifact which unites a chronicled audio-text using stationary pictures to narrate an account. The artifact is recorded, emended, reserved and probably shared digitally. In addition, digital stories combine a verbal ‘text’ using sound effect or music to form what is in effect a short ‘mini-movie’. Even though lubricated through the technology the figure is not operated by it and the main focus for digital stories is conventionally the script. The amalgamation of the text or chronicled story, spoken by the author and escorted through chosen pictures could make a strong implement of communication. Digital stories are passably low-tech, being created effortlessly on a computer or laptop using fundamental software and hardware. The completed products had the benefit of being long-lasting and willingly available and transportable. This task was a group project where I work with two of my friends. We discuss and decided to write a prequel to an existing fairy tale. We chose Peter Pan as our fairy tale.

          On top of that, creating a digital story is a procedure that is fascinating and valuable in its personal entitlement. Mentally and psychologically, making a story requires intellectual procedures of consideration appraisal and formation, whereas technically the creation of a digital story could need several levels of new media literacy. It could be comprehended hence that the procedure that goes into creating a digital story could be functional and meaningful in itself, even whether the end product is not effectual or amusing. Through the similar measure it is not pledged that a story which has had the advantage of proficient creation, in the structure of a staged and organized story evolution procedure, technical relief using recording and editing, would inevitably be any more effectual than one made unassisted.

          Besides that, digital story has the possible to accredit learners. The stories permit learners to manifest themselves as they are told through the learners themselves from learners’ own words. Learners who are uplifted to reflect on what they have studied and to seem sensible of their studying encounter and also arrange information into a short and simply attainable multimedia clip, creating a digital story causes fascinating difficulties on some stages. It even had the benefit of including numerous unlike talents both inventive and technical, several of which might be different to the learners. I personally learnt a lot in the procedure of making a digital story. Normally the way related with digital story gives the ability to foster deep consideration, critique, scrutiny and ordering of information such as the topic and scripting. I able to construct and utilise technology and media abilities, evolve literacy abilities, furnish an alternative to written-based assignment work, encourage critical-thinking capability, foster deep mastering, augment the mastering encounter. There are the hard to enumerate abilities such as for reflection on a subject and abilities related with individual evolution and interpersonal abilities. I have developed my media literacy abilities and also technical abilities.

          The barrier that digital story poses is how to harness the huge abilities of the story structure, with its probabilities to stimulate, engross, alter, by a procedure that would furnish it with chance for problem solving, reflection and critical thinking. The main challenges I encounter in finishing the given project is lack of digital literacies. My lecturer offer software training and give me suggestion on what software could be utilised to make our digital story. I’m not aware of how to make a digital story. Our educator guide us by giving the guideline for the project and what are the pointers we need to keep in mind when making a digital story. We are not even mindful of what elements should we include in the digital story. Then, our lecturer taught us what are the main components we must have in our digital story and give suitable examples for our understanding on those components.

          Furthermore, teachers out there could integrate this digital implement into the 21st century classroom because digital story has the potential to be a very helpful mastering and teaching implement. Digital story is acknowledged to have numerous usages and benefits in education. Digital story could give a vehicle to lubricate learning and for allowing learners offer meaning to their encounter. Teachers should use digital tool to make learning more interesting and engaging. There are some disadvantages in using digital tool in classroom but if the educator knows how to overcome the problems then there will be no issue in using these tools. It gives the capability to communicate with an enlarging community to dispute matters and collect information. Digital tool gives the potential to utilise computers, laptops and other gadgets to advance learning. Some students are visual learners in order for them to understand something, they need to communicate through pictures. This tool provides the ability to comprehend, produce and communicate by pictures.

          In a nutshell, digital story gives numerous chances within and beyond education. In education, the method is still at an exploratory phase, however digital story possibly gives different methods for learners to master, present and reflect on their work, utilising technologies which are relevant to them. As a way, digital story gives advantages in terms of the engagement of learners with their theme group and beyond. The method also furnishes a vehicle for the usage of pertinent media literacy abilities previously bewitched through numerous learners in our technology-driven time.

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